The PCCC emphasizes the expository preaching of the Scriptures and the administration of the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. This effort is surrounded by and enflames our desire to warmly receive and care for those coming into the congregation, provide an environment of Christian fellowship, engage in deeds and works of mercy, and reach out to our community with the good news of the gospel of Christ.
- We also support several of our denominational programs including Home and Foreign Missions and Christian Education. We participate in the annual Thank Offering, pray tor specific missionaries, and use hymnals and other denominational materials as appropriate.
- We give careful consideration to the guidance of the Presbytery and the denomination concerning any matters of importance which may arise in our church.
- And we are attentive to issues of importance which are under discussion in the larger church as well as to our governmental standard, the OPC Book of Church Order.