1) Encouraging Reformed Covenantal Worship
- We provide Scripturally based public worship twice each Lord’s Day.
- As essential parts of our public worship, we include a call to worship, congregational singing, a corporate confession of faith, a corporate confession of sin followed by an assurance of pardon, a pastoral prayer, the giving of tithes, and the reading and preaching of Holy Scripture.
- We encourage both private and family worship in the homes.
- As opportunities arise, we worship with others of like faith and practice.
2) Receiving and caring for new members
- We meet weekly to pray for one another.
- We provide instruction in Scripture for our spiritual growth including the meaning of Church.
- We encouraging Christian Fellowship of all kinds.
- We strive to practice Christian hospitality and provide support for those in need.
- The Pastor and Elders strive to regularly visit the families in the Church to encourage them, pray with them, and pray for them.